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Instance generation tool for on-demand transportation problems
European Journal of Operational Research ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2024.03.006
Michell Queiroz , Flavien Lucas , Kenneth Sörensen

We present REQreate, a tool to generate instances for on-demand transportation problems. Such problems consist of optimizing vehicle routes according to passengers’ demand for transportation under space and time restrictions (called requests). REQreate is flexible and can be configured to generate instances for a variety of problems types in this problem class. In this paper, we exemplify this with the Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP) and On-demand Bus Routing Problem (ODBRP). In most of the literature, researchers either test their solution algorithms with instances based on artificial networks or they perform real-life case studies on instances derived from a specific city or region. Furthermore, locations of requests for on-demand transportation problems are mostly randomly chosen according to a uniform distribution, rather than being derived from actual data.



我们推出了 REQreate,这是一种为按需运输问题生成实例的工具。此类问题包括根据乘客在空间和时间限制下的交通需求(称为请求)来优化车辆路线。REQreate 很灵活,可以配置为生成该问题类中各种问题类型的实例。在本文中,我们通过拨号问题(DARP)和按需总线路由问题(ODBRP)来举例说明。在大多数文献中,研究人员要么使用基于人工网络的实例来测试他们的解决算法,要么对来自特定城市或地区的实例进行现实案例研究。此外,按需运输问题的请求位置大多是根据均匀分布随机选择的,而不是从实际数据中得出的。