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Pea protein [Pisum sativum] as stabilizer for oil/water emulsions
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science ( IF 15.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2024.103123
Eleonora Olsmats , Adrian R. Rennie

A map of stability for various water/oil/pea protein compositions has been plotted from the numerous reported results. Two clear regions of stability were identified. High internal oil phase emulsions with 70–80%, v/v oil content stabilized by total pea protein concentration <2.5%, w/v showed stability. Low oil content of 10–30%, v/v for a range of total pea protein concentrations >0.5%, w/v have also been identified as stable. Intermediate oil content and pea protein concentrations >4% w/v are unexplored regions and are likely to be areas of fruitful future research. The wide range of stability suggests that different stabilization mechanisms could be important for different compositions and careful consideration has to be taken to avoid oversimplification. Both stabilization with particles, Pickering emulsions, and protein unfolding have been suggested as mechanisms. The diverse way of describing stability makes it difficult to intercompare results in different studies. A summary of different oil types used have been presented and several properties such as dynamic viscosity, density, the dielectric constant and interfacial tension have been summarized for common vegetable oils. The type of vegetable oil and emulsion preparation techniques were seen to have rather little effect on emulsion stability. However, the different extraction methods and processing of the pea material had more effect, which could be attributed to changing composition of different proteins and to the states of aggregation and denaturing. Careful consideration has to be taken in the choice of extraction method and an increased understanding of what contributes to the stability is desirable for further progress in research and eventual product formulation.


豌豆蛋白 [Pisum sativum] 作为油/水乳液的稳定剂

根据大量报道的结果绘制了各种水/油/豌豆蛋白组合物的稳定性图。确定了两个明显的稳定区域。高内油相乳液具有 70-80%、v/v 油含量,通过总豌豆蛋白浓度 <2.5% 稳定,w/v 显示出稳定性。 10-30%(v/v)的低油含量,对于一系列总豌豆蛋白浓度 >0.5%(w/v)也被认为是稳定的。中间油含量和豌豆蛋白浓度 >4% w/v 是未开发的区域,并且可能是未来研究成果丰硕的领域。广泛的稳定性表明不同的稳定机制对于不同的组合物可能很重要,必须仔细考虑以避免过于简单化。颗粒稳定化、皮克林乳液和蛋白质解折叠都被认为是机制。描述稳定性的方式多种多样,因此很难比较不同研究的结果。总结了所使用的不同油类型,并总结了常见植物油的一些特性,如动态粘度、密度、介电常数和界面张力。植物油的类型和乳液制备技术对乳液稳定性的影响相当小。然而,豌豆材料的不同提取方法和加工具有更大的影响,这可能归因于不同蛋白质组成的改变以及聚集和变性状态。在选择提取方法时必须仔细考虑,并且更好地了解有助于稳定性的因素对于研究和最终产品配方的进一步进展是必要的。