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Adoption of agroforestry technologies: a case study from central highlands of Ethiopia
Agroforestry Systems ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10457-024-00972-1
Arragaw Alemayehu , Sisay Simeneh

This study analyzed adoption of agroforestry technologies in the central highlands of Ethiopia. A binary logistic regression model was used based on a survey of 96 adopters and non-adopter farmers. The results showed that all the farmers had a positive perception of agroforestry technology and that farmland boundaries were the most widely adopted agroforestry technology (81%), followed by farmland tree planting (71%). Alley cropping was the least preferred agroforestry technology by farmers (11%), followed by garden agroforestry technology (37%). Agroforestry was perceived as a major contributor to various products and improved soil fertility by 29% and 28%, respectively, of the farmers. Family size and customary rules are significant determinants of agroforestry technology adoption (p < 0.01). Access to extension services was also significantly correlated with the adoption of agroforestry technology (p < 0.05). Adoption of agroforestry technologies is important to address the continuous depletion of forest resources and improve the livelihood of farmers. The potential influence of these determinant factors should be taken into account when identifying suitable agroforestry technologies.



本研究分析了埃塞俄比亚中部高地农林业技术的采用情况。基于对 96 名采用者和非采用者农民的调查,使用了二元逻辑回归模型。结果显示,所有农户对农林业技术持积极态度,其中农林业技术采用最广泛的是农田边界(81%),其次是农田植树(71%)。胡同种植是农民最不喜欢的农林复合技术(11%),其次是园林农林复合技术(37%)。农林业被认为是各种产品的主要贡献者,土壤肥力分别提高了 29% 和 28% 的农民。家庭规模和习惯规则是农林业技术采用的重要决定因素(p  < 0.01)。获得推广服务也与农林业技术的采用显着相关(p  < 0.05)。采用农林业技术对于解决森林资源持续枯竭和改善农民生计具有重要意义。在确定合适的农林业技术时,应考虑这些决定因素的潜在影响。
