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Development of a Digital Twin of the Extruder for Production of Filament from Low Density Polyethylene
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10553-024-01654-5
I. I. Gumerov , A. K. Ivlev , K. G. Kichatov , T. R. Prosochkina

On the basis of the characteristics of low-density polyethylene determined experimentally from the geometric dimensions of the extruder parts and COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS software a digital model of the apparatus was created, and the flow rate of the polymer melt from the extruder nozzle was calculated hydrodynamically. The agreement between the experimentally measured polymer flow rate and the value obtained from the model lies within the permissible error. This establishes the adequacy of the digital twin model, which will be used to predict the viscosity characteristics of composite materials based on low-density polyethylene and the technological regimes of their production by blending in the extruder.
