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Optimal design of control loop parameters and impedance spike suppression for 400 Hz two-module series structured inverters
Journal of Power Electronics ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s43236-023-00746-5
Yihan Chen , Honghao Guo , Haixiao Ma , Hui Gao

The structure of a DC–DC converter connected in series with a 400 Hz inverter is widely used in aviation airborne and ground power systems to provide a medium-frequency AC power supply within a wide input voltage range. To guarantee the dynamic and steady-state performance of a multi-module series converter, it is necessary to individually optimize the control loop and the parameters of each series-connected module. In addition, it is also necessary to consider the input–output impedance matching issues of each converter. In this study, a phase-shifted full-bridge converter employing an average current control strategy is used as the input-side DC–DC converter, and a medium-frequency three-phase four-leg inverter is used as the output-side inverter. The study also conducts a small-signal modeling analysis to reveal the intrinsic relationship between the closed-loop output impedance of the input-side converter and the circuit parameters. It summarizes the optimization criteria for controlling the parameters of the voltage and current loops. By suppressing the peaks of the output impedance of the input-side converter, the impedance matching between the input- and output-side converters is ensured over the entire frequency range, ensuring the stable operation of the overall system. Finally, the correctness of the theoretical analysis is verified through simulation and experimentation.


400 Hz两模块串联结构逆变器控制环参数及阻抗尖峰抑制优化设计

