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Dual envy influences online shoppers' intention to purchase luxury counterfeits
International Journal of Consumer Studies ( IF 7.096 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-16 , DOI: 10.1111/ijcs.13036
Tanvi Gupta 1 , Preeti Krishnan Lyndem 2

Envy fuels luxury consumption—both real and fake. Through three studies, we show that benign envy motivates online shoppers to purchase authentic luxury products, whereas malicious envy encourages counterfeiting. By triggering envy through its antecedents of deservingness and pride, we show that benign (malicious) envy motivates a general tendency towards moral (immoral) behavior, which has distinct downstream effects on consumer attitude towards luxury. Benign envy increases belief in the moral virtue of hard work, thereby inspiring consumers to aspire and strive for original luxury products. Whereas malicious envy triggers moral disengagement—dissolving the moral dilemma associated with counterfeiting. Malicious envy also makes consumers appraise luxury corporations as immoral—fueling the desire to punish the brand through counterfeiting. The effects hold for both brand‐generated envy and incidental envy. The findings have important implications for luxury branding to help control consumer demand for counterfeits.


