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From Talk to Action: How Small Steps Can Make a Big Impact in Marketing Education for Climate Action
Journal of Marketing Education Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1177/02734753241232326
Isabel Rodriguez-Tejedo 1 , Cristina Etayo 1

This study analyzes the effectiveness of two low-cost and easy-to-implement activities (a brief talk and a case discussion) in engendering interest and awareness toward climate action in a typical Principles of Marketing course. Our findings indicate that, consistent with existing research, women are more likely to be concerned about climate change and more willing to contribute to its mitigation. We found that the talk alone had limited effects, only increasing the likelihood of students reporting the importance of climate change education in their business degree and marketing classes. However, the combined approach of talk and case discussion had a more far-reaching impact, as students reported, for example, a higher willingness to donate, volunteer, and change behavior. These results suggest that even a limited and easily applied intervention can have positive effects on the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13.



本研究分析了典型的营销原理课程中两项低成本且易于实施的活动(简短演讲和案例讨论)在激发人们对气候行动的兴趣和意识方面的有效性。我们的研究结果表明,与现有研究一致,女性更有可能关注气候变化,也更愿意为缓解气候变化做出贡献。我们发现,仅演讲的效果有限,只会增加学生在商科学位和营销课程中报告气候变化教育重要性的可能性。然而,演讲和案例讨论相结合的方法产生了更深远的影响,例如,学生们表示,他们更愿意捐赠、志愿服务和改变行为。这些结果表明,即使是有限且易于实施的干预措施也可以对实现可持续发展目标 (SDG) 13 产生积极影响。