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Batter quality
Nature Physics ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02449-5
Karen Mudryk

The team developed a multiphase transport framework to investigate how the main ingredients of a cupcake — water, sugar and fat — influence performance metrics such as oven rise, moisture content and colour. They modelled the batter as a porous medium subjected to heat transfer, viscoelastic deformation, water evaporation and carbon dioxide generation from the baking powder.

During baking, conduction, convection and evaporative heating cause the temperature to increase from the batter’s outer region to its centre. When the starch gelatinization temperature is reached, the batter transitions from a liquid polymeric emulsion into a solid foam. Then, trapped water vapour and carbon dioxide cause the cupcake to rise. At the final stages of baking, oven rise diminishes, as less water is available for vapour generation.




