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Space bioprocess engineering as a potential catalyst for sustainability
Nature Sustainability ( IF 27.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-15 , DOI: 10.1038/s41893-024-01305-x
Gretchen Vengerova , Isaac Lipsky , Gwyneth A. Hutchinson , Nils J. H. Averesch , Aaron J. Berliner

Investment in spacefaring enterprises must offer transformative solutions to Earth-based challenges. Providing for the future health of our home planet is possibly the greatest return on investment. Therefore, ensuring that the large costs of astronautics also yield benefits on Earth is critical. The goal of space bioprocess engineering is the design, realization and management of biologically driven technologies for supporting off-world human exploration. Here, we outline several technologies with high dual-use potential, argue that continued investment in such technologies is justified, and offer insight into specific research and development strategies that will increase sociological, political and technological benefits for sustainable development on Earth.



