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Obtaining more accurate complete arch implant digital scans with the aid of a geometric pattern: A dental technique
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2024.01.041
Olatz Etxaniz , Xabier Amezua , Mikel Jauregi , Eneko Solaberrieta

A technique to obtain more accurate complete arch implant digital scans and virtual casts is described. In order to obtain complete arch implant digital scans with greater accuracy, short-span intraoral digital scans are superimposed with the aid of a geometric pattern. Therefore, the technique takes advantage of the accuracy of intraoral scanners to obtain digital scans of reduced spans. Two virtual designs of the geometric pattern have been made available online: one for maxillary arches and one for mandibular arches. From these virtual designs, new virtual designs of geometric patterns of different sizes and shapes can be created to better fit different arch forms and implant positions.


