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Turbulence generated by dust dispersion in the standard 1 m3 vessel
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jlp.2024.105288
Zdzisław Dyduch

The standard 1 m vessel is an apparatus recommended for an assessment of dust explosion indices by ISO, European and American Standards. However the definition of the vessel construction given in the Standards leaves some room when designing it. That may lead to significantly different results obtained in vessels built in different laboratories even when all of them meet the requirements of the Standards. One of key parameters that should be controlled in the tests is turbulence. Several authors reported measurements of turbulence intensity in the 1 m vessel. However, all of those results were obtained for pure air dispersed from the dust dispersion system. The paper presents results of turbulence measurements performed in the 1 m vessel built and used at Experimental Mine Barbara of Central Mining Institute, Poland. In previous measurements transient flow velocity in the vessel was generated by dust injection from the dust dispersion system. For the measurement the Bi-Directional Velocity Probe developed by McCaffrey and Heskestad ((McCaffrey B.J. (1976)) was used. The construction of the probe was modified to improve its performance in the dusty conditions. The tests were performed for several nominal dust concentrations of two dusts. From the measurements the root-mean-square of instantaneous velocity () was calculated. The results were compared with the results obtained for pure air in the dust dispersion system. The presence of dust modifies turbulence in the vessel. Its intensity is reduced and the flow development is delayed.


标准 1 m3 容器中粉尘扩散产生的湍流

标准1m容器是ISO、欧洲和美国标准推荐用于评估粉尘爆炸指数的设备。然而,标准中给出的船舶结构定义在设计时留下了一些空间。这可能会导致不同实验室制造的容器获得显着不同的结果,即使它们都满足标准的要求。测试中应控制的关键参数之一是湍流。几位作者报告了 1 m 容器中湍流强度的测量结果。然而,所有这些结果都是针对从粉尘分散系统分散的纯净空气获得的。本文介绍了在波兰中央矿业学院芭芭拉实验矿建造和使用的 1 m 容器中进行的湍流测量结果。在之前的测量中,容器中的瞬态流速是由粉尘分散系统喷射粉尘产生的。测量中使用了 McCaffrey 和 Heskestad 开发的双向速度探头(McCaffrey BJ (1976))。探头的结构经过修改,以提高其在多尘条件下的性能。测试针对多个标称粉尘浓度进行两种粉尘。根据测量结果计算瞬时速度的均方根 ()。将结果与粉尘分散系统中纯空气的结果进行比较。粉尘的存在会改变容器中的湍流。其强度减少并且流动发展被延迟。