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Macroscopic modeling of social crowds
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-15 , DOI: 10.1142/s0218202524400098
Livio Gibelli 1 , Damián A. Knopoff 2, 3 , Jie Liao 4 , Wenbin Yan 5

Social behavior in crowds, such as herding or increased interpersonal spacing, is driven by the psychological states of pedestrians. Current macroscopic crowd models assume that these are static, limiting the ability of models to capture the complex interplay between evolving psychology and collective crowd dynamics that defines a “social crowd”. This paper introduces a novel approach by explicitly incorporating an “activity” variable into the modeling framework, which represents the evolving psychological states of pedestrians and is linked to crowd dynamics. To demonstrate the role of activity, we model pedestrian egress when this variable captures stress and awareness of contagion. In addition, to highlight the importance of dynamic changes in activity, we examine a scenario in which an unexpected incident necessitates alternative exits. These case studies demonstrate that activity plays a pivotal role in shaping crowd behavior. The proposed modeling approach thus opens avenues for more realistic macroscopic crowd descriptions with practical implications for crowd management.



