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Implementation of Quantum Image Encryption via Reversible Quantum Logic Gates Computing
SPIN ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-31 , DOI: 10.1142/s2010324723400209
Yi Lin Cheng, Yu Ping Liao, Chih Yu Chen, Tsung Wei Huang

With the development of quantum communication technology, Shor’s algorithm is expected to crack RSA encryption. Quantum communication will change the method of classical encryption in the future. We propose a quantum image encryption method via reversible quantum logic gates computing as quantum computing is reversible. An entangled pair of qubits are used for data transmission. The plaintext image is encrypted into an encrypted image via the quantum gate by using superdense coding to encrypt and transmit the operating quantum gate. The encrypted image is decoded by reversible computing, which is expected to provide a way for quantum image encryption.



