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The Structural-Mechanical State of 12Kh1MF Steel of TPP Pipeline Bend after Long-Term Operation
Materials Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s11003-024-00780-z
I. O. Tsybailo , H. V. Krechkovska

The mechanical characteristics and structural features of the heat-resistant 12Kh1MF steel after long-term operation in a bend of the TPP (thermal power plants) steam pipelines were analyzed. The change in the technical state of the metal of different zones of the bend and the anisotropy of properties across the pipe wall thickness were established. It was found that in the stretched zone of the bend near the outer surface of the pipe the steel degraded more intense than in other zones, which was due to the most favorable operating conditions for creep.



