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Fractals ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-23 , DOI: 10.1142/s0218348x24500294

Consider orbits 𝒪(z,κ) of the fractal iterator fκ(z):=z2+κ, κ, that start at initial points zK̂κ(m)̂, where ̂ is the set of all rational complex numbers (their real and imaginary parts are rational) and K̂κ(m) consists of all such z whose complexity does not exceed some complexity parameter value m (the complexity of z is defined as the number of bits that suffice to describe the real and imaginary parts of z in lowest form). The set K̂κ(m) is a bounded-complexity approximation of the filled Julia set Kκ. We present a new perspective on fractals based on an analogy with Chaitin’s algorithmic information theory, where a rational complex number z is the analog of a program p, an iterator fκ is analogous to a universal Turing machine U which executes program p, and an unbounded orbit 𝒪(z,κ) is analogous to an execution of a program p on U that halts. We define a real number Υκ which resembles Chaitin’s Ω number, where, instead of being based on all programs p whose execution on U halts, it is based on all rational complex numbers z whose orbits under fκ are unbounded. Hence, similar to Chaitin’s Ω number, Υκ acts as a theoretical limit or a “fractal oracle number” that provides an arbitrarily accurate complexity-based approximation of the filled Julia set Kκ. We present a procedure that, when given m and κ, it uses Υκ to generate K̂κ(m). Several numerical examples of sets that estimate K̂κ(m) are presented.



考虑轨道𝒪z,κ分形迭代器Fκz:=z2+κ,κε,从初始点开始zεK̂κ̂, 在哪里̂是所有有理复数的集合(它们的实部和虚部都是有理数)并且K̂κ由所有此类组成z其复杂度不超过某个复杂度参数值(复杂度为z被定义为足以描述实部和虚部的位数z最低形式)。套装K̂κ是填充 Julia 集的有界复杂度近似值Kκ。我们基于与 Chaitin 的算法信息理论的类比,提出了分形的新视角,其中有理复数z是一个程序的模拟p, 一个迭代器Fκ类似于通用图灵机U执行程序p,以及无界轨道𝒪z,κ类似于程序的执行pU那停止了。我们定义一个实数Υκ类似于 Chaitin 的Ω数字、位置,而不是基于所有程序p其执行于U停止,它基于所有有理复数z其轨道在Fκ是无界的。因此,类似于 Chaitin 的Ω数字,Υκ充当理论极限或“分形预言数”,为填充的 Julia 集提供任意准确的基于复杂性的近似值Kκ。我们提出一个程序,当给出κ, 它用Υκ生成K̂κ。估计集合的几个数值例子K̂κ被提出。
