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Gamma radiation shielding efficiency of some different ceramic composites: A comparative study
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.111695
E. Hannachi , M.I. Sayyed , Y. Slimani , M. Elsafi

The development of a non-toxic, and low-cost material that offers good shielding against harmful ionizing radiation is highly demanded. This work offers a strategy for combining ceramic composites and carbon nanotubes to produce composites with desirable radiation shielding properties. First, we successfully prepared barium titanate (BT) ceramic by sol-gel auto-combustion method. Then, a series of CERAM-1, CERAM-2, and CERAM-3 ceramic composites were formed by inserting into BT different types of ferrite and carbon nanotubes. The crystal structural analysis indicated that all ceramic composites crystallized into a cubic structure. The crystallite sizes of the final products were calculated and were found to be 30.8 nm, 25.4 nm, 35.9 nm, and 33.1 nm for pure BT, CERAM-1, CERAM-2, and CERAM-3, respectively. The gamma radiation shielding parameters were experimentally examined at four energies ranging from low to high energy radiation. At 0.06 MeV, the ceramics have the greatest linear attenuation coefficient (LAC) values, ranging from 31.760 to 29.683 cm. The results showed that CERAM-1 has the greatest LAC values at 0.060 and 0.662 MeV, which indicated that CERAM-1 is the most effective shield to its advantage over the other ceramic samples at low and middle energies. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that various prepared ceramics can be useful for low-energy radiation protective applications.



人们迫切需要开发一种无毒、低成本的材料,能够对有害的电离辐射提供良好的屏蔽。这项工作提供了一种将陶瓷复合材料和碳纳米管结合起来生产具有理想辐射屏蔽性能的复合材料的策略。首先,我们通过溶胶-凝胶自燃烧法成功制备了钛酸钡(BT)陶瓷。然后,通过在BT中插入不同类型的铁氧体和碳纳米管,形成了一系列CERAM-1、CERAM-2和CERAM-3陶瓷复合材料。晶体结构分析表明所有陶瓷复合材料均结晶成立方结构。计算出最终产品的微晶尺寸,纯BT、CERAM-1、CERAM-2和CERAM-3的微晶尺寸分别为30.8 nm、25.4 nm、35.9 nm和33.1 nm。在从低能辐射到高能辐射的四种能量下对伽马辐射屏蔽参数进行了实验检查。在 0.06 MeV 时,陶瓷具有最大的线性衰减系数 (LAC) 值,范围为 31.760 至 29.683 cm。结果表明,CERAM-1 的 LAC 值最大,分别为 0.060 和 0.662 MeV,这表明 CERAM-1 是最有效的屏蔽,在中低能量下其优于其他陶瓷样品。根据所获得的结果,可以得出结论,各种制备的陶瓷可用于低能辐射防护应用。