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Influence of Transportation Accessibility on Urban-rural Income Disparity and Its Spatial Heterogeneity
Chinese Geographical Science ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s11769-024-1427-8
Xiaoyan Huang , Chenchen Kang , Chun Yin , Junqing Tang


Transportation accessibility has been treated as an important means of reducing the urban-rural income disparity. However, only a few studies have examined the effects of different types of transportation accessibility on urban-rural income disparity and their spatial heterogeneity. Based on data from 285 prefecture-level (and above) Chinese cities in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020, this study uses spatial econometric models to examine how highway accessibility and railway accessibility influence the urban-rural income disparity and to identify their spatial heterogeneity. The result reveals that highway accessibility and railway accessibility have ‘coreperiphery’ ring-like circle structures. The urban-rural income disparity exhibits strong spatial clustering effects. Both highway accessibility and railway accessibility are negatively associated with urban-rural income disparity, and the former having a greater effect size. Moreover, there is a substitution effect between highway accessibility and railway accessibility in the whole sample. Furthermore, these associations differ in geographic regions. In the central region, highway accessibility is more important in reducing the urban-rural income disparity, but its effect is weakened with the increase of railway accessibility. In the western region, railway accessibility has a larger effect on narrowing the urban-rural income disparity, and this effect is strengthened by the increase of highway accessibility. We conclude that improving transportation accessibility is conducive to reducing the urban-rural income disparity but its effect is spatial heterogenetic. Highways and railways should be developed in a coordinated manner to promote an integrated transport network system.
