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Longitudinal natural history studies based on real-world data in rare diseases: Opportunity and a novel approach
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2024.108453
Laura Ann Adang , Anjana Sevagamoorthy , Omar Sherbini , Jamie L. Fraser , Joshua L. Bonkowsky , Francesco Gavazzi , Russel D'Aiello , Nicholson B. Modesti , Emily Yu , Sylvia Mutua , Emma Kotes , Justine Shults , Ariel Vincent , Lisa T. Emrick , Stephanie Keller , Keith P. Van Haren , Sarah Woidill , Isabella Barcelos , Amy Pizzino , Johanna L. Schmidt , Florian Eichler , Ali Fatemi , Adeline Vanderver

Growing interest in therapeutic development for rare diseases necessitate a systematic approach to the collection and curation of natural history data that can be applied consistently across this group of heterogenous rare diseases. In this study, we discuss the challenges facing natural history studies for leukodystrophies and detail a novel standardized approach to creating a longitudinal natural history study using existing medical records.


