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Participatory action research in critical data studies: Interrogating AI from a South–North approach
Big Data & Society ( IF 8.731 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1177/20539517241235869
Andrea Medrado 1 , Pieter Verdegem 1

In this article, we draw inspiration from participatory action research (PAR) and the work of Latin American thinkers such as Freire and Fals Borda to interrogate artificial intelligence (AI). We propose a South-North flow by utilising PAR approaches that stem from Latin America, challenging how the North's centrality is taken for granted regarding AI epistemologies, experiences, and understandings. Conducting workshops in London with a diverse group of students, tech workers and activists, we argue that PAR can not only empower marginalised communities in the Global South; we can also learn more from its application in the Global North, in contexts where people deal with different struggles. Our analysis delves into three specific concepts around AI and data (in)justice: autonomy, empathy and dialogue. First, inspired by PAR principles, participants started to problematise what they called an empty interpretation of empathy, establishing parallels with transnational dynamics of data capitalism, which disadvantage marginalised communities in the Global South. Second, PAR offered a critical lens to analyse issues of AI and autonomy in ways that are less individualistic and more collective and politically engaged. Third, PAR's dialogical spirit enabled participants to locate various intersections between AI and dialogue. Critiquing the idea of a superior AI, participants were reminded of the possibilities offered by human intelligence and the combination of thinking, making and feeling or what Fals Borda (2003. Ante la crisis del país: I deas acción para el cambio, 1st. Ed. Bogotá: Panamericana) calls our sentipensante nature.



在本文中,我们从参与式行动研究 (PAR) 以及 Freire 和 Fals Borda 等拉丁美洲思想家的工作中汲取灵感来质疑人工智能 (AI)。我们利用源自拉丁美洲的 PAR 方法提出南北流动,挑战在人工智能认识论、经验和理解方面北方的中心地位是理所当然的。我们在伦敦与不同群体的学生、技术工作者和活动人士举办研讨会,认为 PAR 不仅可以增强全球南方边缘化社区的能力,还可以增强全球南方的边缘化社区的能力。我们还可以从它在北半球的应用中学到更多,在人们处理不同斗争的背景下。我们的分析深入探讨了围绕人工智能和数据正义的三个具体概念:自主、同理心和对话。首先,受到 PAR 原则的启发,参与者开始质疑他们所谓的对同理心的空洞解释,与数据资本主义的跨国动态相提并论,这对全球南方的边缘化社区不利。其次,PAR 提供了一个批判性的视角,以更少的个人主义、更多的集体和政治参与的方式来分析人工智能和自治问题。第三,PAR的对话精神让参与者找到了AI与对话之间的各种交集。在批判高级人工智能的想法时,参与者被提醒注意人类智能以及思维、制造和感觉的结合所提供的可能性,或者 Fals Borda (2003. Ante la Crisis del país: I deas acción para el cambio, 1st. Ed)波哥大:Panamericana)称我们的本性为sentipensante。