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Is Travel Resurgence in the Post-Global Health Emergency a Form of Revenge Travel? A Multi-phase Qualitative Study
Journal of Travel Research ( IF 8.933 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1177/00472875241234388
N. Meenakshi 1 , Amandeep Dhir 2, 3 , Puneet Kaur 4, 5 , Raj V. Mahto 6 , Juan Luis Nicolau 7

This paper aims to conceptualize whether revenge tourism is an apt description of travel in the post global health emergency period from the perspective of travelers. Furthermore, it examines the outcomes of post global health emergency travel. The multiphase work included screening and three phases of qualitative study. Participants perceived the term “ revenge” with skepticism, although the nature of travel and activities and consumption in the post global health emergency have changed for them. In this period, the need for introspection was greater, and travel was a way of rediscovering oneself. Furthermore, participants were negotiating new, different boundaries again after a tumultuous period, which indicated tourism travel was inextricably intertwined with several important aspects of their lives. The most important implication of the study is that it enables us to understand the connectedness between the process by which the post global health emergency phenomenon influences travel and its outcomes.


