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Oxygen as an abortive therapy in cluster headache: a narrative review and clinical practice aspects
Acta Neurologica Belgica ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s13760-024-02506-z
Julie Van Houtte , Nicolas Vandenbussche , Eric Derom , Jean Schoenen , Jan Versijpt , Koen Paemeleire

Cluster headache (International Classification of Headache Disorders third edition, ICHD-3 3.1) is a primary headache disorder affecting around 0.12% of individuals. It is characterized by severe headache attacks causing significant negative impact on the lives of patients. While administration of 100% oxygen is considered to be the first-choice acute treatment, undertreatment also exists. Reasons for undertreatment may entail problems with the correct prescription of oxygen, reimbursement issues or the practical implementation of home oxygen therapy. The aim of this manuscript is to review the scientific evidence on oxygen therapy for cluster headache and provide a practical guidance for both physicians and patients to optimize its use in an acute setting. The current evidence of the administration of 100% oxygen as a safe and effective treatment for cluster headache is strong. Based on several clinical trials and surveys, the recommended flow rates range between 12 and 15 L/min via a non-rebreathing mask, for at least fifteen minutes. The frequency of cluster headache attacks and thus the need for acute treatment can be very high. Fortunately, the Belgian social security system provides a full and lifetime reimbursement of oxygen therapy for cluster headache if the diagnosis and the need for this therapy has been certified by a neurologist, neurosurgeon or neuropsychiatrist.



丛集性头痛(头痛疾病国际分类第三版,ICHD-3 3.1)是一种原发性头痛疾病,影响约 0.12% 的个体。其特点是严重头痛发作,对患者的生活造成重大负面影响。虽然 100% 吸氧被认为是首选的急性治疗方法,但治疗不足的情况也存在。治疗不足的原因可能涉及正确的氧气处方、报销问题或家庭氧疗的实际实施问题。本文的目的是回顾氧疗治疗丛集性头痛的科学证据,并为医生和患者提供实用指导,以优化其在急性环境中的使用。目前有充分证据表明,100% 氧气治疗丛集性头痛是一种安全有效的方法。根据多项临床试验和调查,建议使用非重复呼吸面罩的流量范围为 12 至 15 L/min,持续至少 15 分钟。丛集性头痛发作的频率非常高,因此紧急治疗的需求可能非常高。幸运的是,如果神经科医生、神经外科医生或神经精神病学家对丛集性头痛的诊断和需要这种治疗进行了认证,比利时社会保障系统将为丛集性头痛的氧疗提供终身全额报销。
