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Understanding the user perception of digital nudging in platform interface design
Electronic Commerce Research ( IF 3.462 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10660-024-09825-6
Fabia Marie Hettler , Jan-Philip Schumacher , Eduard Anton , Berna Eybey , Frank Teuteberg

Given the nascent understanding of user perceptions toward digital nudges in e-commerce, our study examines key factors: perceived usefulness, ease of use, trust, and privacy risks. Via an online experiment of 273 participants, we examined the influence of digital nudging interventions – social norms, defaults, and scarcity warnings – against a control group. Employing descriptive and inferential statistics, notable trust variations were found between default and scarcity warning groups versus controls. To assess these findings, we interviewed 11 information systems and psychology experts. This research enriches our understanding of digital nudges in e-commerce and provides design insights. Theoretical implications span from providing propositions in order to enhance user involvement, conducting narrative accompanying research, analyzing diverse time points of nudging. Practical implications focus on emphasizing to users their choice autonomy and the highlighting that defaults and scarcity warnings are designed to mitigate inherent heuristics and biases for combining nudging with boosting elements.



鉴于用户对电子商务中数字化推动的看法刚刚起步,我们的研究考察了关键因素:感知有用性、易用性、信任和隐私风险。通过对 273 名参与者进行的在线实验,我们研究了数字助推干预措施(社会规范、默认行为和稀缺警告)对对照组的影响。采用描述性和推论性统计数据,发现违约和稀缺警告组与对照组之间存在显着的信任差异。为了评估这些发现,我们采访了 11 位信息系统和心理学专家。这项研究丰富了我们对电子商务中数字推动力的理解,并提供了设计见解。理论意义涵盖从提供命题以增强用户参与、进行伴随研究的叙述、分析不同的推动时间点。实际意义侧重于向用户强调他们的选择自主权,并强调默认和稀缺警告旨在减轻将助推与提升元素相结合的固有启发法和偏见。
