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The importance of learning with/on/from land and place while honoring reciprocity in Indigenous science education
Cultural Studies of Science Education ( IF 1.538 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11422-023-10205-z
Stephany RunningHawk Johnson

Education by and for Indigenous peoples needs to focus on and honor the life-affirming notions of land- and place-based connections, our individual and collective responsibilities, reciprocity, and relationships. In todays’ school settings, redefining what ‘success’ looks like as well as supporting Indigenous identities are critical to teaching and learning in general, and for science education in particular. In contemporary schools, we, as educators, need to focus on place-based knowledges and the concept of reciprocity as being important to the learning, identities, and well-being of our Indigenous students. This is challenging because western science education often attempts to be objective, which removes context and creates barriers for Indigenous students. For this study, I worked with eight students and two faculty in an Environmental Science program at a small, private, 4-year university in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. I employed a qualitative design, consisting mainly of interviews, observations, case studies, and the sharing of stories with students and their instructors. My participants highlighted many important aspects of Indigenous science learning, learning focused on decolonization and sovereignty, and the role reciprocity plays in their lives and their educational motivation. I focus on three themes that emerged from this work: one, that land-based and place-based education, is critical for Indigenous students; two, that reciprocity must be included in how we educate our Indigenous students; and three, that decolonizing science education will include supporting both place-based learning and reciprocity.



