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Study on the Plugging Mechanism of Carbon Dioxide Oil Drive in Shale
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10553-024-01674-1
Sun Whenchen , Liu Xuewei , Xiong Shengchun , Dong Qinghao , Liu Guozhong , Su Heying

The CO2 enhanced oil recovery(EOR) technology is widely utilized in the development of shale oil reservoirs. However, reservoir plugging issues often occur during the CO2 injection process, leading to reduced onsite development efficiency. Currently, the mechanism behind reservoir plugging is still unclear. Therefore, this research selects Jimsar crude oil from Xinjiang to conduct CO2 displacement experiments on shale cores and analysis of crude oil components. A comparative analysis is conducted with previous studies to explore the plugging mechanism. The research results demonstrate that core plugging occurs when the displacement pressure exceeds 25 MPa, resulting in a significant decrease in core permeability. Under a displacement pressure of 40 MPa, the additional resistance accounts for as much as 72% of the total resistance, with high asphalt content and the extractive effect of CO2 on crude oil components being important factors leading to core plugging. Therefore, in the field development process, the CO2 enhanced oil recovery technology should be applied in a rational and tailored manner according to the properties of the field’s crude oil.
