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Quantizing graphs, one way or two?
Reviews in Mathematical Physics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1142/s0129055x24600018
Jon Harrison 1

Quantum graphs were introduced to model free electrons in organic molecules using a self-adjoint Hamiltonian on a network of intervals. A second graph quantization describes wave propagation on a graph by specifying scattering matrices at the vertices. A question that is frequently raised is the extent to which these models are the same or complementary. In particular, are all energy-independent unitary vertex scattering matrices associated with a self-adjoint Hamiltonian? Here we review results related to this issue. In addition, we observe that a self-adjoint Dirac operator with four component spinors produces a secular equation for the graph spectrum that matches the secular equation associated with wave propagation on the graph when the Dirac operator describes particles with zero mass and the vertex conditions do not allow spin rotation at the vertices.



