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Exploring Distance Query Processing in Edge Computing Environments
arXiv - CS - Databases Pub Date : 2024-03-17 , DOI: arxiv-2403.11246
Xiubo Zhang, Yujie He, Ye Li, Yan Li, Zijie Zhou, Dongyao Wei, Ryan

In the context of changing travel behaviors and the expanding user base of Geographic Information System (GIS) services, conventional centralized architectures responsible for handling shortest distance queries are facing increasing challenges, such as heightened load pressure and longer response times. To mitigate these concerns, this study is the first to develop an edge computing framework specially tailored for processing distance queries. In conjunction with this innovative system, we have developed a straightforward, yet effective, labeling technique termed Border Labeling. Furthermore, we have devised and implemented a range of query strategies intended to capitalize on the capabilities of the edge computing infrastructure. Our experiments demonstrate that our solution surpasses other methods in terms of both indexing time and query speed across various road network datasets. The empirical evidence from our experiments supports the claim that our edge computing architecture significantly reduces the latency encountered by end-users, thus markedly decreasing their waiting times.


