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Digital competence of Vietnamese citizens: An application of digcomp framework and the role of individual factors
Education and Information Technologies ( IF 3.666 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10639-024-12585-3
Trung Quang Nguyen , Pham Thi Anh Ngoc , Hoang Ai Phuong , Dang Pham Thien Duy , Pham Cong Hiep , Robert McClelland , Omid Noroozi

Assessment of digital competence for citizens could support the Education Action plan at a national level, a regional level, or even at a global level to enhance the digital skills and competence gap for work and life for digital transformation. This study applies the DigComp framework through a self-administered online survey to 723 citizens in Vietnam, using a sequential exploratory mixed methods research design. Data were analysed using factor analysis, standard descriptive statistics, and simple regression methods, followed by qualitative content analysis from interviews with ten respondents and a focus group discussion with eight stakeholders on digital competence. The results confirmed the validity of the DigComp framework for measuring the digital competence of Vietnamese citizens. Overall, the proficiency level of the 723 surveyed Vietnamese citizens falls between basic and intermediate levels, being more advanced in areas in information and data literacy and communication and collaboration, compared to digital content creation, safety, and problem solving. The results further showed that male citizens with a higher education level, working in the public sector, or living in province with high provincial digital transformation index rankings perceived themselves to be more digital competent than females with a lower educational level, working in the private sector, or living in the province with low provincial digital transformation index rankings. To improve citizens’ digital competence, training should be designed that considers not only citizens’ digital competence profiles but also their individual characteristics.


越南公民的数字能力:digcomp 框架的应用和个人因素的作用

对公民数字能力的评估可以支持国家层面、区域层面甚至全球层面的教育行动计划,以缩小数字化转型工作和生活的数字技能和能力差距。本研究采用序贯探索性混合方法研究设计,通过对 723 名越南公民进行自我管理的在线调查,应用了 DigComp 框架。使用因子分析、标准描述性统计和简单回归方法对数据进行分析,然后对十名受访者进行访谈进行定性内容分析,并与八名利益相关者就数字能力进行焦点小组讨论。结果证实了 DigComp 框架在衡量越南公民数字能力方面的有效性。总体而言,723 名接受调查的越南公民的熟练程度处于初级和中级水平之间,与数字内容创建、安全和问题解决相比,在信息和数据素养以及沟通与协作领域更为先进。结果进一步显示,受教育程度较高、在公共部门工作或居住在省级数字化转型指数排名较高省份的男性公民认为自己比受教育程度较低、在私营部门工作的女性更有数字能力,或居住在省级数字化转型指数排名较低的省份。为了提高公民的数字能力,培训的设计不仅应考虑公民的数字能力概况,还应考虑其个人特征。
