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What explains the recovery speed of financial markets from banking crises?
Research in International Business and Finance ( IF 6.143 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ribaf.2024.102314
Xun Huang , Chengzhao Zhang

Less is studied about the determinants of the impact of banking crises on the recovery speed of financial markets. In this paper, based on the members from Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), we measure the recovery speed of financial markets from banking crises by financial stress index (FSI). Then the Kaplan-Meier (K-M) survival analysis methodology is applied to depict the stylized features of the recovery speed of financial markets. Further, the Cox proportional hazards model is introduced to investigate the effect of a variety of influencing factors on the recovery speed of financial markets from banking crises. The results indicate that certain factors, such as stationary macroeconomic environment, sound government finance, stable exchange rate regime, moderately open financial market, global financial market with high panic prior to banking crises, and expansionary monetary policy with the price rule after banking crises, contribute to fast recovery of financial markets.


