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Adapting to climate extremes: Implications for insect populations and sustainable solutions
Journal for Nature Conservation ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2024.126602
Arjumand John , Amaninder Kaur Riat , Kaisar Ahmad Bhat , Sajad A. Ganie , Otto endarto , Cipto Nugroho , Handoko Handoko , Atif Khurshid Wani

Climate change emerges as the most dynamic and pervasive environmental challenge of the contemporary era. Its consequences, including the greenhouse effect resulting in elevated temperatures, increasingly frequent droughts, and unpredictable rainfall patterns, are already evident. The effects of climate change and extreme weather phenomena encompass insects, plants, and various taxonomic categories. Heightened temperatures, increased CO levels, and sudden shifts in rainfall patterns hold the potential to significantly alter the biochemical processes within insects and thus alter their survival pattern. These dynamic alterations in climate have a notable effect on multiple aspects of insect life, including fertility, feeding patterns, survival rates, population dynamics, and patterns of dispersal. As a result, their abundance, distribution, and life cycles undergo modifications in response to these evolving environmental conditions. This review explores the varied impacts of extreme climate changes on insect populations, explaining the complex relationships between climatic variables and insect ecology. Such changes can have cascading effects on ecosystems leading to disruptions in pollination with indirect implications on food security. Recognizing the urgency of addressing these challenges, this review also delves into sustainable approaches to reduce the risks posed by extreme climate changes on insect populations. Thus, Integrated pest management strategies, Organic farming, conservation of natural habitats, and the promotion of resilient agricultural practices emerge as key components of a comprehensive framework. This review advocates for a complete and adaptive approach to reduce the effect of extreme climate changes on insect populations, ensuring the long-term ecological balance and the resilience of ecosystems in the face of a varying climate.


