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Engineered bacteria in tumor immunotherapy
Cancer Letters ( IF 9.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2024.216817
Hua Chen , Yinrui Zhu , Chonghai Zhang , Lin Hu , Kai Yang

As the limitations of cancer immunotherapy become increasingly apparent, there is considerable anticipation regarding the utilization of biological tools to enhance treatment efficacy, particularly bacteria and their derivatives. Leveraging advances in genetic and synthetic biology technologies, engineered bacteria now play important roles far beyond those of conventional immunoregulatory agents, and they could function as tumor-targeting vehicles and in situ pharmaceutical factories. In recent years, these engineered bacteria play a role in almost every aspect of immunotherapy. It is nothing short of impressive to keep seeing different strain of bacteria modified in diverse ways for unique immunological enhancement. In this review, we have scrutinized the intricate interplay between the immune system and these engineered bacteria. These interactions generate strategies that can directly or indirectly optimize immunotherapy and even modulate the effects of combination therapies. Collectively, these engineered bacteria present a promising novel therapeutic strategy that promises to change the current landscape of immunotherapy.


