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Rethinking justice as recognition in energy transitions and planned coal phase-out in Poland
Energy Research & Social Science ( IF 8.514 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2024.103507
Ekaterina Tarasova

The implications of energy transitions extend beyond the often-discussed effects on jobs and retraining opportunities for workers in the carbon-intensive industries. This paper argues that the concept of justice as recognition has an untapped potential for exploring diverse types of injustices that have not received sufficient attention so far. This paper contributes to the critical discussion of the concept of recognition-based energy justice by considering recognition theory by Fraser, which has become an established approach in energy justice literature, and other recognition theories, which have already been discussed in environmental justice literature, in the context of energy transitions. Five conceptions of recognition are distinguished: the understanding of recognition as (a) equal standing without cultural domination, disrespect, and non-recognition; (b) deeper inclusion (inclusive narratives, rhetoric and greetings); (c) respect for identity and culture; (d) self-esteem; and (e) the absence of violence. The conceptual discussion is followed by an empirical analysis of recognition-based justice in the case of the planned coal phase-out in Poland. Building on semi-structured interviews with stakeholders and diverse texts, the analysis demonstrates that in the case of the planned coal phase-out in Poland, three aspects of recognition may be particularly relevant – non-recognition in energy transitions, the self-esteem of local communities, and respect for culture and identity. The paper then argues that a pluralist approach to studies of recognition in energy transitions based on awareness about socio-cultural contexts of studied cases is necessary.



能源转型的影响超出了人们经常讨论的对碳密集型行业工人的就业和再培训机会的影响。本文认为,作为承认的正义概念对于探索迄今为止尚未受到足够重视的各种类型的不公正现象具有尚未开发的潜力。本文通过考虑弗雷泽的认可理论(该理论已成为能源正义文献中的既定方法)和其他认可理论(已在环境正义文献中讨论过),对基于认可的能源正义概念进行了批判性讨论。能源转型的背景。区分了五种承认概念: 将承认理解为 (a) 没有文化统治、不尊重和不承认的平等地位; (b) 更深入的包容性(包容性叙述、言辞和问候); (c) 尊重身份和文化; (d) 自尊; (e) 不存在暴力。在概念性讨论之后,对波兰计划逐步淘汰煤炭的案例中基于承认的正义进行了实证分析。基于对利益相关者和不同文本的半结构化访谈,分析表明,在波兰计划逐步淘汰煤炭的情况下,认可的三个方面可能特别相关——能源转型中的不认可、当地社区,以及对文化和身份的尊重。然后,本文认为,基于对研究案例的社会文化背景的认识,对能源转型中的认可进行研究的多元化方法是必要的。