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Penile median raphe gonococcal infection
International Journal of STD & AIDS ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-20 , DOI: 10.1177/09564624241241103
Blanca Santos-Latasa 1, 2 , Francisco-Javier Bru-Gorraiz 1 , Alejandro Martin-Gorgojo 1

The occurrence of cysts and papulopustules along the midline penile raphe, as a complication of gonococcal urethritis, is considered an exceptional presentation. These lesions are related to developmental abnormalities in the fusion of the lower portion of the ventral abdominal wall during embryogenesis, which create small pathways along the raphe of the penis, prone to secondary infection in the presence of gonococcal urethritis. We present the case of a 25-year-old male who experienced these lesions twice, coinciding with two separate episodes of gonococcal urethritis following unprotected sex. Treatment with intramuscular ceftriaxone resolved both the urethritis and cystic lesions.



作为淋菌性尿道炎的并发症,沿着阴茎中缝出现囊肿和丘疹脓疱被认为是一种特殊表现。这些病变与胚胎发生过程中腹侧腹壁下部融合的发育异常有关,沿阴茎中缝形成小通道,在淋菌性尿道炎存在时容易发生继发感染。我们介绍了一名 25 岁男性的病例,他两次经历这些病变,恰逢在无保护性行为后两次单独发作淋菌性尿道炎。肌肉注射头孢曲松治疗解决了尿道炎和囊性病变。