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Shoe customization in a mass-production mode
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-20 , DOI: 10.1177/15589250241239247
Oleksander Bondar 1 , Liliia Chertenko 1 , Tatjana Spahiu 2 , Ermira Shehi 2

There is a growing trend where footwear is considered a fashion item by increasing in this way the number of footwear products in the market. This is translated to carbon footprints which is a global issue. Reducing the number of footwear can be achieved by focusing on customization. Shifting from mass production to customization is highly supported by digital technologies. A case study of shoe customization in the mass production mode is presented. Implemented in a shoe manufacturing environment, the possibility of using one node of the bottom in combination with various options for the shoe not only results in success in terms of fit and comfort but at the same time promotes sustainable production. This methodology aligns with the sustainability goals in the footwear industry while expanding the range of shoes.


