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Effect of four host plants on the life history and nutritional indices of Spodoptera Littoralis
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-024-01220-w
Rasha M. El-Refaie , El-Sayed H. Shaurub , Ghada E. Abd-Allah , Ahmed A. Ebeid , Zeinab S. Abouelnaga

The Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a pervasive and highly polyphagous insect pest. As S. littoralis has developed resistance to major classes of conventional insecticides and the use of these insecticides has caused negative impacts on the ecosystems, it is necessary to search for eco-friendly, cost-effective, and sustainable agents to control. This can be achieved by identifying the preferred host plant. The present study aimed at evaluating the impacts of four host plants– castor bean, tomato, potato, and cucumber on the various life-history traits and nutritional indices of S. littoralis. The concentrations of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous in the tested host plants were quantified. Newly hatched larvae were divided into four groups. Each group was fed only on one type of the four tested host plants until pre-pupal stage. Then, the life-history traits and nutritional indices were determined. Larvae fed on castor bean showed the highest adult emergence, weight of full-grown larvae, number of eggs per female, and egg-hatch percent, food consumption, relative growth rate, and food utilization efficiencies. Whereas, larvae fed on cucumber showed the lowest egg-hatch percent, food consumption, relative growth rate, and food utilization efficiencies. There was a positive correlation between nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in the tested host plants and larval weight, with the highest concentrations in castor bean. Castor bean was the most preferred host plant.



埃及棉叶虫Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval)(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)是一种普遍存在且高度多食性的害虫。由于北沙蚕已经对主要类别的常规杀虫剂产生了抗药性,并且这些杀虫剂的使用对生态系统造成了负面影响,因此有必要寻找生态友好、具有成本效益和可持续的药剂来控制。这可以通过确定优选的寄主植物来实现。本研究旨在评估四种寄主植物——蓖麻子、番茄、马铃薯和黄瓜对蓖麻子的各种生活史性状和营养指数的影响。北沙参。对测试宿主植物中氮、钾和磷的浓度进行了定量。新孵化的幼虫被分为四组。每组只喂食四种测试寄主植物中的一种,直至蛹期。然后,确定生活史特征和营养指数。以蓖麻子为食的幼虫表现出最高的成虫出苗率、成年幼虫的重量、每只雌虫的卵数、卵孵化率、食物消耗、相对生长率和食物利用效率。而以黄瓜为食的幼虫则表现出最低的卵孵化率、食物消耗、相对生长率和食物利用效率。受试寄主植物中氮磷浓度与幼虫体重呈正相关,其中蓖麻子中氮磷浓度最高。蓖麻子是最优选的寄主植物。
