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Tall R waves across the precordial leads
Journal of Electrocardiology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jelectrocard.2024.03.003
Mazen M. Kawji

We here present a case of tall R waves in V1-V3, with normal R waves in V4-V6, due to a rare clinical entity. The differential diagnosis of such condition is reviewed. ECG clues are provided to guide the diagnosis. A simple diagnostic test is ordered to confirm the diagnosis.


穿过心前导联的高 R 波

我们在此介绍一例由于罕见的临床实体导致 V1-V3 中 R 波较高、V4-V6 中 R 波正常的病例。对这种情况的鉴别诊断进行了回顾。心电图线索可指导诊断。进行简单的诊断测试以确认诊断。