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Enhancing the role of International NGOs in promoting the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation policies: insights from an International Union for Conservation and Foundation of Netherlands Volunteers led project in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
Ecology and Society ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-31 , DOI: 10.5751/es-14727-290131
Annisa Triyanti , Carel Dieperink , Dries Hegger , Trang Vu , Thi Tang Luu , Duc Canh Nguyen , Hong Quan Nguyen

Several international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) function as boundary organizations and try to promote ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) as a pivotal climate change adaptation strategy for coastal areas. This is being done in Vietnam. Few studies, however, have investigated how these INGOs operate, what challenges they face, and what conditions support them to successfully promote the implementation of EbA. To address this knowledge gap, the literature on international boundary work and boundary organizations was first reviewed, deriving four categories of conditions for a successful promotion of EbA: knowledge, networks, resources, and context. Next, we applied this framework in a case study of the International Union for Conservation (IUCN) and the Foundation of Netherlands Volunteers (SNV) led EbA project on the restoration and sustainable use of mangroves in two provinces, Ca Mau and Ben Tre, which are located in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. We interviewed 25 key informants representing INGOs, Vietnamese governmental agencies, farmers, scientists, and market parties. Our case study not only revealed how most literature-based success conditions were met but also found some additional conditions. We found that INGOs will have a greater chance of successfully promoting the implementation of the EbA in cases in which they can act as a knowledge broker, have a strong international network, can supply enough resources, and use context-specific strategies. A supportive context appeared to be essential.

The post Enhancing the role of International NGOs in promoting the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation policies: insights from an International Union for Conservation and Foundation of Netherlands Volunteers led project in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta first appeared on Ecology & Society.



一些国际非政府组织(INGO)作为边界组织,试图促进基于生态系统的适应(EbA)作为沿海地区关键的气候变化适应战略。越南正在这样做。然而,很少有研究调查这些国际非政府组织如何运作、面临哪些挑战以及哪些条件支持他们成功推动 EbA 的实施。为了解决这一知识差距,首先回顾了有关国际边界工作和边界组织的文献,得出成功促进 EbA 的四类条件:知识、网络、资源和环境。接下来,我们将此框架应用于国际自然保护联盟 (IUCN) 和荷兰志愿者基金会 (SNV) 领导的 EbA 项目的案例研究中,该项目涉及金瓯省和槟椥省两个省红树林的恢复和可持续利用,该项目位于越南湄公河三角洲。我们采访了代表国际非政府组织、越南政府机构、农民、科学家和市场各方的 25 名关键知情人。我们的案例研究不仅揭示了大多数基于文献的成功条件是如何满足的,而且还发现了一些额外的条件。我们发现,如果 INGO 能够充当知识经纪人、拥有强大的国际网络、能够提供足够的资源并使用针对具体情况的策略,那么它们将有更大的机会成功推动 EbA 的实施。支持性环境似乎至关重要。

