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Performance evaluation of prefabricated retaining wall systems based on centrifuge tests
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-14 , DOI: 10.1680/jensu.23.00072
Honglue Qu 1, 2 , Wangwang Dong 1 , Zhaolong Li 3 , S P Gopal Madabhushi 2

Prefabricated and assembled retaining wall systems are gradually becoming the choice for slope stabilisation and earth-retaining structures. However, current prefabricated retaining wall systems are often difficult to apply in complex and variable construction sites due to issues such as inconsistent production dimensions and transportation difficulties. This paper presents a novel prefabricated retaining wall system and reports centrifuge model tests performed to analyse its overall performance. The influence of different infill materials on the performance of the prefabricated retaining wall system was studied. The research findings reveal that the retaining wall system provides significant slope stabilisation effects and can withstand up to four times the stress level of a natural slope. Moreover, the stability of the retaining wall system is more than twice better when infilled with frictional soil compared with that when clay infill is used. Due to its unique structure, it can not only reduce material consumption and carbon dioxide emissions by around 63.94% but also allow planting of green plants in the gaps of components, thereby providing a more sustainable alternative to conventional concrete gravity wall systems.


