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Size Effect in Electroplating: Determination Method and Cell for Its Evaluation
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry Pub Date : 2024-03-23 , DOI: 10.3103/s1068375524010046
T. Bortsoi


It has been shown that the response of the functional property of the deposit on the action of dimensional factors of electrolysis conditions equally determines the dimensional property of the electrolyte. It has been established that the most universal assessment methods of dimensional effects can be formed based on the correlation of dimensionless quantities for a number of specified and directional values of the size factor with a number of corresponding values of the functional parameter of the sediment. It is shown that studying the dimensional properties of electrolytes and deposits, depending on the type of dimensional factors and their scale scales, will expand the capabilities of the electrolytes used, increase the controllability of the formation of the functional parameter of the deposit, obtain new information about the process of deposition of nanostructured deposits, and reveal the factors which previously did not attract attention. A determination method and cell for quantifying the dimensional properties of the precipitate and electrolyte are presented.




