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Engineering Whole-Cell Biosensors for Enhanced Detection of Environmental Antibiotics Using a Synthetic Biology Approach
Indian Journal of Microbiology ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s12088-024-01259-w
Arunagiri Priyadharshini , Irisappan Ganesh , Kumar Rangarajalu , Melissa Shaelyn Samuel , Sambandam Ravikumar

Bacterial Two component systems have evolved with many intricate sensory apparatuses for external stimuli like light, temperature, oxygen, pH and chemical compounds. Recent studies have shown the potential of two-component regulatory systems (TCSs) of bacteria in creating synthetic regulatory circuits for several applications. Antimicrobial resistance is increasing globally in both developing and developed countries and it is one of the foremost global threats to public health. The resistance level to a broad spectrum of antibiotics is rising every year by 5–10%. In this context, TCSs controlling microbial physiology at the transcriptional level could be an appropriate candidate for monitoring the antibiotics present in the environment. This review provided a wide opportunity to gain knowledge about the TCSs available in diverse species to sense the antibiotics. Further, this review explored the EMeRALD (Engineered Modularized Receptors Activated via Ligand-induced Dimerization) based biosensors to repurpose the sensing modules from the microbial TCSs using the synthetic biology approach.
