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Towards a new approach for understanding educational inequality: The Sen– Bourdieu-Bernstein theoretical framework
International Journal of Educational Research ( IF 2.845 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijer.2024.102347
Kostas Dimopoulos , Christos Koutsampelas

Understanding the mechanisms underpinning the transmission of educational inequalities is fundamental for fighting social injustice and promoting social mobility. Towards this aim, the paper proposes an extension of the synthetic theoretical framework of Sen-Bourdieu, incorporating the key sociological concepts of classification and framing and the corresponding rules of recognition and realization, as elucidated by Basil Bernstein. By elaborating on the complementarities of the adopted theoretical frameworks, the purpose of the paper is the development of a conceptual model capable of better unravelling the complex processes that influence educational choices and outcomes within contemporary educational systems. Τhe practical possibilities of the suggested theoretical model are demonstrated through its application to a topical issue of educational policy, namely the nexus between school choice and inequality. In this context, the role of educational policy is construed as facilitating individuals’ educational paths by eradicating restrictive factors and establishing emancipating ones..


