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Dry eye disease management
The BMJ ( IF 105.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj-2023-077344
Margarita Safir , Gilad Twig , Michael Mimouni

### What you need to know Dry eye disease is common, with large cross sectional studies estimating a prevalence of 19-31% among the adult population123 and 6-23% among children.4 This condition is often associated with ocular discomfort and visual symptoms, and severity can range from mild occasional discomfort to sight threatening disease.5 This article offers an approach to identifying and managing dry eye disease and discusses novel treatment modalities. Adequate lubrication of the ocular surface requires appropriate coverage of the ocular surface by the eyelids and sufficient production of tear film components, including both the aqueous component (produced by the lacrimal and accessory glands) and the lipid component (produced by the meibomian glands and the conjunctival mucin-producing glands).6 Damage to the ocular surface can induce an inflammatory response causing further ocular surface damage and propagating disease development.6 While meibomian gland dysfunction is the most common cause of dry eye disease, the aetiology of dry eyes is often multifactorial. Additional common causes of dry eye disease include blepharitis, rosacea, commonly prescribed drugs, and environmental factors (box 1). Box 1 ### Medical conditions that are associated with or aggravate dry eye disease #### Demographic #### Medications #### Environmental factors and lifestyle #### Ocular conditions #### Systemic conditionsRETURN TO TEXT The symptoms of dry eye disease vary. Patients …



### 您需要了解的内容 干眼病很常见,大型横断面研究估计成人人群中的患病率为 19-31%123,儿童中的患病率为 6-23%。4 这种情况通常与眼部不适和视力有关。症状和严重程度范围从轻度、偶尔不适到威胁视力的疾病。5 本文提供了一种识别和管理干眼病的方法,并讨论了新的治疗方式。眼表的充分润滑需要眼睑对眼表的适当覆盖以及泪膜成分的充分产生,包括水成分(由泪腺和副腺产生)和脂质成分(由睑板腺和泪腺产生)。结膜粘蛋白产生腺)。6 眼表损伤可诱发炎症反应,导致进一步眼表损伤并促进疾病发展。6 虽然睑板腺功能障碍是干眼病最常见的原因,但干眼症的病因通常是多因素的。干眼病的其他常见原因包括睑缘炎、红斑痤疮、常用处方药物和环境因素(框 1)。框 1 ### 与干眼病相关或加重干眼病的医疗状况 #### 人口统计 #### 药物 #### 环境因素和生活方式 #### 眼部状况 #### 全身状况返回文本 症状干眼症的发病情况各不相同。患者 …