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Anesthesia decision analysis using a cloud-based big data platform
European Journal of Medical Research ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s40001-024-01764-0
Shuiting Zhang , Hui Li , Qiancheng Jing , Weiyun Shen , Wei Luo , Ruping Dai

Big data technologies have proliferated since the dawn of the cloud-computing era. Traditional data storage, extraction, transformation, and analysis technologies have thus become unsuitable for the large volume, diversity, high processing speed, and low value density of big data in medical strategies, which require the development of novel big data application technologies. In this regard, we investigated the most recent big data platform breakthroughs in anesthesiology and designed an anesthesia decision model based on a cloud system for storing and analyzing massive amounts of data from anesthetic records. The presented Anesthesia Decision Analysis Platform performs distributed computing on medical records via several programming tools, and provides services such as keyword search, data filtering, and basic statistics to reduce inaccurate and subjective judgments by decision-makers. Importantly, it can potentially to improve anesthetic strategy and create individualized anesthesia decisions, lowering the likelihood of perioperative complications.


