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Linking individual entrepreneurial orientation to entrepreneurial alertness
Asia Pacific Journal of Management ( IF 4.500 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s10490-024-09958-0
Andy Yu , Jeff Stambaugh , Niyati Kataria , Hsing-Er Lin

What are the nuanced relationships among the dimensions of individual entrepreneurial orientation (Individual EO) and the factors of entrepreneurial alertness (EA)? We theorize that individual EO as a dispositional belief-based construct (i.e., what entrepreneurs believe) precedes EA as a cognition-oriented construct (i.e., how entrepreneurs think). Following this theorization, this research develops several propositions among the individual EO-EA dimensions. We also provide contingencies as possible theoretical boundaries that may alter these associations. Consequently, we enrich the EO-EA literature by articulating the detailed relationships of individual EO dimensions and EA factors, providing opportunities for future empirical studies.



个人创业取向(Individual EO)维度与创业警觉性(EA)因素之间有何微妙关系?我们的理论是,个体 EO 作为一种基于性格信念的建构(即企业家所相信的)先于 EA 作为一种认知导向的建构(即企业家如何思考)。遵循这一理论,本研究在各个 EO-EA 维度中提出了几个命题。我们还提供了意外事件作为可能改变这些关联的理论边界。因此,我们通过阐明各个 EO 维度和 EA 因素的详细关系来丰富 EO-EA 文献,为未来的实证研究提供机会。
