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Effects of the injection radius and varying velocity on solute transport in a finite porous medium with radial geometry
Sādhanā ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12046-024-02452-9
Achille Stéphane Ngomyap Nganso , Fulbert Kamga Togue , César Biouele Mbane

This study presents the effect of the flow velocity, which varies exponentially with time, on solute transport in a finite porous medium with radial geometry. The two-dimensional advection-dispersion equation in the cylindrical coordinate system is solved by using finite difference method. The concentration profiles are established for a duration of four hours of infiltration. It appears that the concentrations are lower in the case of the decreasing exponential velocity. The analysis of the effect of the injection radius showed that the retention of pollutants decreases when the injection radius increases. These findings can be used to design the size of a filter system for drinking water provision, and the environment protection.



