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Expanding Differential Ion Mobility Separations into the MegaDalton Range
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c05012
Tobias P. Wörner 1 , Hayden A. Thurman 2 , Alexander A. Makarov 1, 3 , Alexandre A. Shvartsburg 2

Along with mass spectrometry (MS), ion mobility separations (IMS) are advancing to ever larger biomolecules. The emergence of electrospray ionization (ESI) and native MS enabled the IMS/MS analyses of proteins up to ∼100 kDa in the 1990s and whole protein complexes and viruses up to ∼10 MDa since the 2000s. Differential IMS (FAIMS) is substantially orthogonal to linear IMS based on absolute mobility K and offers exceptional resolution, unique selectivity, and steady filtering readily compatible with slower analytical methods such as electron capture or transfer dissociation (ECD/ETD). However, the associated MS stages had limited FAIMS to ions with m/z < 8000 and masses under ∼300 kDa. Here, we integrate high-definition FAIMS with the Q-Exactive Orbitrap UHMR mass spectrometer that can handle m/z up to 80,000 and MDa-size ions in the native ESI regime. In the initial evaluation, the oligomers of monoclonal antibody adalimumab (148 kDa) are size-selected up to at least the nonamers (1.34 MDa) with m/z values up to ∼17,000. This demonstrates the survival and efficient separation of noncovalent MDa assemblies in the FAIMS process, opening the door to novel analyses of the heaviest macromolecules.



与质谱 (MS) 一起,离子淌度分离 (IMS) 正在向更大的生物分子迈进。电喷雾电离 (ESI) 和天然 MS 的出现使得 IMS/MS 分析的蛋白质在 20 世纪 90 年代高达 ∼100 kDa,自 2000 年代以来能够对整个蛋白质复合物和病毒进行高达 ∼10 MDa 的分析。差分 IMS (FAIMS) 与基于绝对迁移率K的线性 IMS 基本正交,并提供卓越的分辨率、独特的选择性和稳定的过滤,易于与电子捕获或转移解离 (ECD/ETD) 等较慢的分析方法兼容。然而,相关的 MS 阶段将 FAIMS 限制为m / z < 8000 和质量低于 ∼300 kDa 的离子。在这里,我们将高清 FAIMS 与 Q-Exactive Orbitrap UHMR 质谱仪集成在一起,该质谱仪可以在原生 ESI 范围内处理高达 80,000 个m / z和 MDa 大小的离子。在初步评估中,单克隆抗体阿达木单抗寡聚物 (148 kDa) 的大小选择至少为九聚物 (1.34 MDa),m / z值高达 ~17,000。这证明了 FAIMS 过程中非共价 MDa 组装体的存活和有效分离,为最重大分子的新颖分析打开了大门。