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On the Joint Design of Microservice Deployment and Routing in Cloud Data Centers
Journal of Grid Computing ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10723-024-09759-1
Bo Xu , Jialu Guo , Fangling Ma , Menglan Hu , Wei Liu , Kai Peng


In recent years, internet enterprises have transitioned from traditional monolithic service to microservice architecture to better meet evolving business requirements. However, it also brings great challenges to the resource management of service providers. Existing research has not fully considered the request characteristics of internet application scenarios. Some studies apply traditional task scheduling models and strategies to microservice scheduling scenarios, while others optimize microservice deployment and request routing separately. In this paper, we propose a microservice instance deployment algorithm based on genetic and local search, and a request routing algorithm based on probabilistic forwarding. The service graph with complex dependencies is decomposed into multiple service chains, and the open Jackson queuing network is applied to analyze the performance of the microservice system. Data evaluation results demonstrate that our scheme significantly outperforms the benchmark strategy. Our algorithm has reduced the average response latency by 37%-67% and enhanced request success rate by 8%-115% compared to other baseline algorithms.




