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Sediment and phosphorus transport during flood events in a Mediterranean temporary river
Environmental Earth Sciences ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12665-024-11524-2
Monica Garnier , Giuseppe Pappagallo , Ian Paul Holman

Flood events, whose number and intensity are predicted to increase in the Mediterranean region, are difficult to monitor. This causes the number of observations of suspended sediment and total phosphorus concentration (|SS| and |TP|, respectively) during their occurrence to be still scarce. Non-perennial or temporary water bodies, which react more promptly to rainfall events, represent ideal natural observatories. In this study, observations of streamflow, |SS| and |TP|, carried out during some flood events, in the Celone river basin, a temporary river located in south-eastern Italy, are presented. The research examined the correlations between flows, concentrations and loads of sediment and phosphorus and investigated factors that influence sediment and phosphorous dynamics in the river basin. The results show no relationship between the time of the year and the precipitation quantity of each event. The high coefficient of determination of the |SS|–|TP| correlations (R2 = 0.67 on average) proves the importance of soil erosive processes in the delivery of phosphorus to the river. More than 73% of the total suspended sediment load and 83% of total phosphorus load in the period 2010–2011 were transported during the 11 monitored events. In addition to the discharge, |SS| and |TP| also depend on numerous other factors related to land management, such as soil cover and fertilizations. The study, thanks to the improved understanding of the mechanisms governing sediment and phosphorus losses, represents a useful contribution for river basin authorities who have to draw up management plans aimed at preventing eutrophication phenomena and soil fertility reduction.



预计地中海地区的洪水事件数量和强度都会增加,因此难以监测。这导致悬浮沉积物和总磷浓度(分别为|SS|和|TP|)发生期间的观测数量仍然很少。非常年或临时水体对降雨事件的反应更迅速,是理想的自然观测站。在这项研究中,对水流的观测,|SS|介绍了在意大利东南部的临时河流 Celone 河流域发生的一些洪水事件期间进行的 |TP| 和 |TP|。该研究考察了沉积物和磷的流量、浓度和负荷之间的相关性,并调查了影响流域沉积物和磷动态的因素。结果显示一年中的时间与每次事件的降水量之间没有关系。 |SS|–|TP| 的高决定系数相关性( 平均R 2 = 0.67)证明了土壤侵蚀过程在向河流输送磷的过程中的重要性。 2010-2011 年期间,超过 73% 的悬浮泥沙总量和 83% 的磷总量是在 11 次监测事件中迁移的。除了放电之外,|SS|和|TP|还取决于与土地管理相关的许多其他因素,例如土壤覆盖和施肥。由于对沉积物和磷损失的控制机制有了更深入的了解,这项研究对流域当局做出了有益的贡献,他们必须制定旨在防止富营养化现象和土壤肥力下降的管理计划。
