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A farewell to welfare? Conceptualising welfare populism, welfare chauvinism and welfare Euroscepticism
Journal of European Social Policy ( IF 2.536 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 , DOI: 10.1177/09589287241240311
Gianna M Eick 1 , Benjamin Leruth 2

This conceptual article and special issue introduction argues for the importance of studying three policy paradigms surrounding welfare policy opposition. The first is welfare populism, the opposition to welfare policies that do not benefit the ‘common people’. The second is welfare chauvinism, the opposition to welfare policies for non-natives within a nation-state. The third is welfare Euroscepticism, the opposition to welfare policies at the European Union level. These paradigms have distinct causes and consequences that should be studied in more detail across different political actors. And while welfare policy opposition may not lead to a complete farewell to welfare, they have been shaping and will continue to shape welfare state recalibration. This article offers summaries of the special issue contributions with empirical snapshots of welfare policy opposition and concludes with avenues for future research.


