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Towards enhanced control of mycetoma: a roadmap to achieve the UN's sustainable development goals by 2030
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 , DOI: 10.1093/trstmh/trae016
Ahmed Fahal 1 , Dallas J Smith 2 , Borna Nyaoke 3 , Kingsley Asiedu 4 , Fabiana Falves 3 , Supriya Warusavithanas 5 , Daniel Argaw 4 , Roderick Hay 6

Mycetoma is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) with devastating morbidity and stigma. Despite increased awareness and international collaboration, the burden of mycetoma is largely unknown and diagnosis and treatment are difficult. Addressing mycetoma globally aligns with several United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Little progress has been made since the WHO’s NTD roadmap publication in 2020. The Global Mycetoma Working Group proposes an enhanced mycetoma-control roadmap to meet the SDGs, stimulate progress and improve the lives of patients experiencing mycetoma. By aligning mycetoma management with the goals and targets of this enhanced roadmap, it becomes possible to leverage existing resources, infrastructure and partnerships to improve the lives of affected individuals and communities. This updated assessment is designed for the benefit of health workers and providers in mycetoma-endemic areas, NTD government officials, civil society and funding and implementing agencies.


加强足菌肿控制:到 2030 年实现联合国可持续发展目标的路线图

足菌肿是一种被忽视的热带病 (NTD),具有毁灭性的发病率和耻辱感。尽管人们的认识有所提高并开展了国际合作,但足菌肿的负担在很大程度上仍不清楚,而且诊断和治疗也很困难。在全球范围内解决足菌肿问题符合联合国的多项可持续发展目标 (SDG)。自世界卫生组织 2020 年发布 NTD 路线图以来,进展甚微。全球足菌肿工作组提出了强化足菌肿控制路线图,以实现可持续发展目标、促进进展并改善足菌肿患者的生活。通过使足菌肿管理与该增强路线图的目标和目标保持一致,就有可能利用现有资源、基础设施和合作伙伴关系来改善受影响个人和社区的生活。这项更新的评估旨在造福于足菌肿流行地区的卫生工作者和提供者、被忽视的热带病政府官员、民间社会以及资助和执行机构。