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Search and Society: Reimagining Information Access for Radical Futures
arXiv - CS - Information Retrieval Pub Date : 2024-03-26 , DOI: arxiv-2403.17901
Bhaskar Mitra

Information retrieval (IR) technologies and research are undergoing transformative changes. It is our perspective that the community should accept this opportunity to re-center our research agendas on societal needs while dismantling the artificial separation between the work on fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics in IR and the rest of IR research. Instead of adopting a reactionary strategy of trying to mitigate potential social harms from emerging technologies, the community should aim to proactively set the research agenda for the kinds of systems we should build inspired by diverse explicitly stated sociotechnical imaginaries. The sociotechnical imaginaries that underpin the design and development of information access technologies needs to be explicitly articulated, and we need to develop theories of change in context of these diverse perspectives. Our guiding future imaginaries must be informed by other academic fields, such as democratic theory and critical theory, and should be co-developed with social science scholars, legal scholars, civil rights and social justice activists, and artists, among others. In this perspective paper, we motivate why the community must consider this radical shift in how we do research and what we work on, and sketch a path forward towards this transformation.



信息检索 (IR) 技术和研究正在经历变革。我们认为,社会应该接受这个机会,将我们的研究议程重新集中在社会需求上,同时消除国际关系研究中的公平性、问责制、透明度和道德工作与其他国际关系研究之间的人为分离。社区不应采取试图减轻新兴技术潜在社会危害的反动策略,而应致力于主动制定研究议程,以建立我们应在各种明确表述的社会技术想象的启发下构建的系统。需要明确阐明支撑信息访问技术的设计和开发的社会技术想象,并且我们需要在这些不同观点的背景下发展变革理论。我们指导未来的想象必须受到其他学术领域的启发,例如民主理论和批判理论,并且应该与社会科学学者、法律学者、民权和社会正义活动家以及艺术家等共同发展。在这篇观点论文中,我们阐述了为什么社区必须考虑我们研究方式和工作内容的彻底转变,并勾勒出实现这一转变的道路。